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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Familiarized with an example of formatting an article.
  • This submission has not been previously published and has not been submitted for review to the editorial boards of other journals (or please provide an explanation in the comments for the editor).
  • The submission file is a document in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, RTF, or WordPerfect format.
  • Web links in the text are accompanied by full, correct URL addresses.
  • The text is typed in 12-point font size with single spacing; authorial accents are italicized, not underlined (everywhere except for URL addresses); all illustrations, graphics, and tables are placed directly in the text where they should be in the content (rather than at the end of the document).
  • The text complies with the requirements for style and bibliography as outlined in the Author Guidelines in the "About the Journal" section.

Author Guidelines

Only articles in Ukrainian or English containing the results of authors own original research, which have scientific and practical value and have not been published yet, could be accepted for publication. Purely review articles are not accepting for publication. The author is responsible for the content of the article.

According to the requirements of item 3 of the Resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Certifying Comission of Ukraine No. 7-05 /1 dated 15.01.2003, scientific articles submitted for publication should contain the following elements: statement of the problem in a general form and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks; analysis of the recent studies and publications in which the solution to this problem was initiated, which the author refers to; selection of previously unresolved parts of the general problem, to which the article is devoted; formulation of the goals of the article (statement of the task); presentation of the main material of the study with a full justification of the obtained scientific results; conclusions and prospects for further scientific research in this area.

Article total volume allowed is 10…15 pages with all materials embodied, including tables, figures, graphs and reference list. The sum of figures and tables should be no more than 30% of the research body.

Article design. The following information shall be placed on the first page of the manuscript: Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) index, article title, surname, initials, and scientific degree (academic status) of the author (s).

Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) index is to be placed on the left side, font size – 10 pt.

Article title is to be placed in the centre in block letters (bold type, font size – 14 pt.).

Information about an author (s): surname, initials, academic degree, academic status, occupational title, full name of institution or public organization, country,
e-mail address, author’s ORCID is to be indicated in Italics, on the left side, font size – 12 pt.

The text is to be given in MS Word document format, font - Times New Roman, font size – 12 pt., line spacing – 1.

Page setup (menu option FILE, Page setup):

paper size – А4: 210*297 mm;

paper layout – book (album is forbidden);

margins – 2.00 сm;

casework – 0.00 сm;

page header/footer – 1.30 сm;

paragraph indent – 1.25 сm, full justification, no page numbering is required.

The article contains only those formulas, figures, tables that provide disclosure of the content of the presented research, all of them must be referenced in the text of the article.

Formulas should be typed using the built-in Equation Editor formula editor. All formulas are inserted into a table with no outline, consisting of two columns: the first column contains a formula without a paragraph and centre justified, the second one contains a formula number (if any), without a paragraph as well and centre justified. The border between the columns of the table is to be set at 14 cm.

This also applies to formulas and formula characters that appear in the text. The parameters in the formula editor must exactly match the following:

Sizes (Equation Editor menu option: SIZE, Determine ...):

  • Regular 12 pt.
  • Large index 7 pt.
  • Small index 5 pt.
  • Large character 18 pt.
  • Small character 12 pt.

Tables are to be made up in Microsoft Word.

Figures should be black and white, preferably transparent, and inserted into the file and article print. Figure format (tif, pcx, bmp, etc.) must be compatible with the Microsoft Word text editor. Figure resolution is to be at least 300 dpi.

Article structure:

- introduction;

- statement of the problem;

- analysis of the recent research and publications;

- the purpose and objectives of the research;

- statement of the main material (research methods, solving problems to ensure the achievement of the objectives);

- discussion of results;

- conclusions;

- directions for further research;

- reference list.

The main sections may have names that are slightly different from the names given above while maintaining the general logical sequence.

Reference list is given in the form of a general list at the end of the manuscript (the sequence is to be in the order of citation) in accordance with the established requirements of DSTU 8302: 2015 standard. The list should contain total 15...30 titles, of which at least 2/3 were published in the last 10 years, of which at least 5 are foreign. There should be at least 3 references to articles from publications indexed by the Scopus and/or Web of Science Core Collection databases. The amount of self-citation (links to your previous publications) is allowed no more than 1/3 of the total number of sources.

The article is also followed by the reference list in Roman alphabet (References). ARA-style is to be used when executing it. The reference list is being transliterated or translated into English. Information transliteration is required to be in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 27.01.2010 “Concerning the regulation of Ukrainian alphabet transliteration by Roman alphabet” (Ukrainian language transliteration can be done at http://ukrlit.org/transliteratsiia#source=0JzQsNGA0YLQuNGI0LXQstGB0YzQutC40Lk= [select standard: Passport (CMU 2010)]).

It is not required to transliterate the sources, written in Roman alphabet.

Structured abstracts in Ukrainian (150 to 250 words) and English (not less than 1800 words) languages are given as follows: an abstract is given before the introduction if it has been executed in article source language, but if an abstract has been executed in a language different from article source one, an abstract is given after the text of the article. Keywords list is given under the abstract.

Basic requirements for abstracts:

- the abstract must be written in such a way as to be able to be presented and perceived separately from the article;

- the abstract must be devoid of duplication of information given in the title of the article;

- the abstract should be informative, meaningful, contain brief information about the research presented in the annotated paper - the field to which the work belongs, relevance, applied methods, main results, their significance for theory and practice;

- the sentences used in the abstract should contain 10...20 words, be understandable to the reader without excessive primitiveness;

- keywords from the text of the article should be used in the text of the abstract;

- the abstract in English should not be a blind duplication of the abstract in Ukrainian, but should be an independent, complete text.

The documents to be submitted to the editorial office.

In order to be published, the author is required to submit electronic (to  journalnvksma@gmail.com) version of the following documents to the editorial office:

  • computer-based article – a file, typed in Microsoft Word editor;
  • a separate file of each figure included in the article.

Except for the article text, the author (s) should submit:

  • the structured abstract together with keywords list in both Ukrainian and English languages, including article’s title and author (s) surname (s) in three languages - on a separate page;
  • license contract;
  • information about authors (surname, name, middle name, academic degree, academic title, place of employment, occupational title, home or work address, contact telephone number, e-mail address, scientific interests of authors, author (s) ORCID - in a separate page.

Articles submitted for consideration are checked for plagiarism and double-blind peer review. For review, the editorial board can involve external experts in the relevant direction.

The editorial board reserves the right to make decisions regarding the compliance of the presented works with the directions of the magazine. Materials that are not designed according to the above rules, contain plagiarism, or do not correspond to the directions of the journal will be rejected.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses provided by users on journal’s site, shall be used solely to perform the internal technical tasks of this journal; they shall not be distributed or transmitted to any outside parties.